Terms of use

The Terms of Use of the ASIRA Platform apply to the following:

  • Subscriber , who may be a Practitioner and/or a head of an organization/institution/eye care practice who subscribes to the ASIRA services or owner of a clinic or store in contractual engagement with an eye care professionals; or the chief administrator of an association of persons/institution/hospital practicing in the field of eye care who subscribes or causes the ASIRA Services to be subscribed by a Designated Person on behalf of such association of persons/institution/hospital.
  • Practitioner, who is an eye care medical practitioner or Eye Care Professionals, who is in contractual engagement with a Subscriber and is registered as a qualified eye care professional under laws prevailing in the country of professional practice.
  • Authorized person/representative may be administrative staff or technician or eyecare assistant, front office staff who represents the Subscriber and works under the instructions of the Subscriber,
  • Otherwise a viewer of the Website (Browser/Viewer)

    1. The ASIRA webplatform offers several Plans , any one of which the Subscriber may subscribe for . The number of Authorised users/Practitioners associated with any one Subscription /Account would depend upon the Plan opted by the Subscriber.
    2. The Subscriber may not have more than one active subscription/Account . Additionally, Practitioner/Subscriber are prohibited from selling, trading, or otherwise transferring your Credentials or Account to another party. All Practitioners/Subscribers must promptly notify the Company of any changes to your registered details.
    3. The term ‘Browser/Viewer’ means any individual, who visits, browse the accessible contents of the website and may or may not participate in the discussions, chats and courses, if any, provided on the ASIRA Platform. In the event you are either a Subscriber/Practitioner , you may be required to provide/share certain personal data which is governed by the Privacy Policy .
    4. A Subscriber will be required to create an account in order to access the services provided on the ASIRA platform and pay the subscription fees based on the Subscription Plan chosen. A Registration Form is required to be filed by the Subscriber in order to get on board/access the ASIRA Webplatform. The Subscriber will also be required to give the name of the Designated person and email ID to whom any communication from the Company has to be addressed.
    5. Subscriber will determine the Authorized Users/Practitioner under the Plan and provide the details of such Authorised Users/Practioner during registration.
    6. ASIRA provides a free trail period which may be availed by the Subscriber, after which the Subscriber may fill out the Registration Form and avail the Subscriptions.
    7. On subscribing to the ASIRA Webplatform, the Subscriber shall receive a link for payment of Subscription Fee based on the Subscription Plan. Upon payment of the Subscription Fee, based on the Subscription Plan, the account will be activated on the ASIRA Webplatform within 48 hours, unless Cancelled within the said period. On activation of account, the Subscriber, will be emailed the User Name and Password, for the Subscriber/Practioner/Authorised Users to have access to the ASIRA Webplatform. You may change the password received from the Company.
    8. ASIRA shall communicate all information in respect of the Subscription Account to the Designated person on the Email ID provided by the Subscriber.
    9. By creating an account, Subscriber represent and warrant that all information that the Subscriber provides on the registration form is current, complete and accurate to the best of his knowledge. Both Subscribers agree to maintain and properly update their registration information including those of their Practitioners/Authorised Users, so that it remains current, complete and accurate. Subscribers is responsible for all use of their respective ASIRA Subscription Account, and for ensuring that all use of the Subscription account complies fully with the provisions of these Terms of Use. Subscriber agrees to notify ASIRA immediately of any changes/ unauthorized use of their accounts, including change in Subscription Plan, Authorised Users etc. Subscriber shall notify ASIRA in case of any change in the security or secrecy of the account information or if the account has been compromised. Subscriber may be held responsible for any losses incurred by ASIRA that are in any way related to your failure to maintain the security of your account information.
    10. The invoices for use of the services through Asira Webplatform will be sent to the Subscriber/ Designated Person . At the end of the subscription period, ASIRA will send a notification for renewal to the Subscriber/ Designated person. In case of any change of users, the same shall be intimated by the Subscriber/Designated Person to ASIRA. ASIRA shall deactivate any accounts which is not renewed/expired.
    11. By creating any account on the ASIRA Webplatform, the Subscriber represents that he/she is a qualified eye care professional, , or is in contractual engagement with a qualified eye care professional registered under the prevailing laws of the country of origin, or the Chief administrator or is acting under instructions of a Chief administrator of an institution/hospital/organization in contractual engagement with qualified eye care professionals registered under the prevailing laws of the country of origin.
    12. By browsing and/or subscribing to the ASIRA Webplatform you signify your assent to the terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”) and the terms and conditions of the ‘Privacy Policy’ of the Company’s, which is published on the ASIRA Webplatform for reference. In addition, when using particular services provided by us such as viewing any content, or participating in any discussion, subscribing to any services, provided on the ASIRA Website, Practitioner/Subscriber/Authorised Users shall be subject to any additional guidelines or rules applicable to such services
  2. CHANGES: We reserve the right at any time to change the Terms of Use including but not limited to suspend/cancel, discontinue a service as well as any account if found fraudulent at any time without notice and make modifications and alterations in any or all of the content, features and services or change/charge any subscription fees or charges for use of the services contained on the Website without prior notice. Browser/ Viewer and/or Practitioner/Subscirber/Authorized Representative will be deemed to have accepted such change/s if you continue to access the Website subsequent to such changes. Browser/Viewer and/or Practitioner/Subscriber/Authorized Representative are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the current Terms and Conditions. Your continued use of the web site shall be deemed your consent to such changes.
  3. ELIGIBILITY: You may browse, visit and/or use this website as a Subscriber/Practitioner/Authorized Representative, or Viewer /Browser. As a BrowserViewer you may have limited access to the content available on the Webplatform. By visiting and/or subscribing or accepting these Terms of Use, as a Browser/Viewer/Practitioner/ Subscriber, You represent and warrant to the Company that You have the right, authority and capacity to use the ASIRA Platform and agree to and abide by these Terms of Use. , You also represent and warrant to the Company that , You will use services provided on the ASIRA Platform in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations. Lastly, , You warrant that You are at least 18 years of age to browse/subscribe to this Website/Platform.
  4. THIRD PARTY WEBSITES : The Website may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by ASIRA Webplatform. ASIRA Webplatform has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites. In addition, ASIRA Webplatform will not and cannot censor or edit the content of any third party site. Without limiting any of the other disclaimers of warranty set forth in these Terms of Use, the ASIRA does not provide or make any representation as to the quality/authenticity or nature of any of the third-party services, information/material/Content availed through ASIRA platform or any other representation, warranty or guaranty By using such links to third party Websites., You expressly relieve the Company from any and all liability arising from your use of this ASIRA Website and any third party website as aforesaid.
    1. As a Practitioner, registered for use or authorized to use the WEBPLATFORM, you will be able to,
      • Create/Develop, enter, save and download Health Information (treatments, therapy, diagnosis, deliberations, examination report, summary report, clinical report, patient data, specifications, prescriptions, measurements)
      • view reschedule and cancel appointments
      • reassign or cancel appointments
      • have access to, download reports, edit, amend, share view, examinations results and summary of your Patient/ User, upload patient/ User diagnosis, treatment summary; make amendments to any previous Patient/User diagnosis, treatment summary.
      • Subject to these terms of use, share the non-editable version of the Health Information with the Subscribers and other Practitioners or their authorized representatives and/or third party Practitioners for discussions and deliberations, or as required to be shared as per law/compliances.
      • It is the responsibility of the Practitioner/Subscriber/Authorized Representatives to obtain express consent from the Patient, and save the same, for use of any material/information medical data of the Patient on the Webplatform . The Consent Form may not be recorded on the WebPlatform . ASIRA Webplatform has no obligation to store the Consent Forms
    2. As a Subscriber who is a head of organization/institution or owner of a clinic with an eye care professional or an association of person practicing in the field of eye care and registered for use of the WebPlatform you will/will be able to,
      • Own the Health Information created and developed by the Practitioner
      • With the consent of the Practitioner, download and provide details of the summary report to the patients/patients family, if requested by the patient and/or family via email/sms
      • Subscribe or authorize the subscription to the trial period and thereafter pay or authorize the payment of the Subscription Plan.
      • Renew/unsubscribe or deactivate the Subscription Plan or cause to be renewed/unsubscribed or deactivate the Subscription Plan.
    3. As an Authorized User you will/will be able to,
      • Forward patient appointment details to the Practitioner
      • Notify the Practitioner and patient of any follow – ups and other details.
      • With the consent of the Practitioner you will be able to share Health Information.
      • With the instructions and directions of the Subscriber you will be able to fill in the Registration Form, activate/deactivate accounts; subscribe/unsubscribe to the Plans; make payments/request for cancellation of payments of the Subscription Fee; change Password for the accounts you are using and provide Email ID/contact details and correspond and communicate to ASIRA.
    4. As a Browser you will/will be able to,
      • Browse the Website
      • View content and marketing updates shared by the Asira Webplatform.
    1. Information displayed on the ASIRA Webplatform, may be specific or of general nature. and is for informational purposes only . The material and information displayed on the web platform is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
    2. The ASIRA Webplatform is not and cannot be a party to or does not in any manner control exchanges/dialogues/correspondences/uploads/chats between Practitioners Subscriber/Viewer on the Webplatform. The ASIRA Platform is not responsible and does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, medical records, uploads, (including personal or medical data) opinions, or other information that may be described on the Platform or by way of information exchanged on the Platform.
    3. The Company recommends that Viewers/Browsers seek the advice of qualified eye care providers for any questions Viewers may have regarding medica symptoms or medical conditions or treatment options or in case of emergencies do not ignore, or delay seeking professional medical advice based on material or information exchanged on the WebPlatform
    4. You are advised to use your best judgement and independently verify the bona fides of any particular Practitioner listed on the ASIRA Webplatform that you choose to connect with.
    5. The information/Content exchanged on the ASIRA WebPlatform may contain health or medical-related materials that may be sensitive in nature. If ViewerBrowser finds these materials offensive, you may not want to access and use the Platform or immediately report to the host at admin@asira.health ID for further action.
    6. The Contents including any teaching material/diagnosis/method of treatment, made available /exchanged on the ASIRA Webplatform may be derived from publicly available resources and hence the Practitioner/Subscriber are cautioned against the risks of the same while dealing with the material, information, suggested treatment or inferred diagnosis exchanged on the ASIRA Platform. ASIRA has no control on the information and content presented and/or stored on the Webplatform. Although such information and content may be periodically reviewed by Asira, Asira does not warrant the correctness of the same. The Company absolves itself of any and every liability in case Practitioner/Subscriber deliberately or inadvertently misuses ASIRA Platform.
    7. Viewer/Browser/ /Practitioner/Subscriber /Authorised user acknowledges that the Company is not liable for interactions on the Webplatform and associated issues. The Company is not in any manner concerned or connected or involved in any patient-practitioner interactions, consultations, and is not liable for any issue that may arise between patient and Practitioner outside the WebPlatform or by reason of use of the Asira Platform,. .The Company does not in any manner advocate or vouch for , the ability or professional caliber of the Practitioner(s) who may have subscribed to the ASIRA Webplatform. The Company will not be liable for shortcoming of the Practitioner in fulfilling their obligations to their patients or , any wrong medication or quality of treatment being given by the Practitioner(s), or any medical negligence on part of the Practitioner(s), inappropriate treatment, or similar difficulties or any type of inconvenience suffered by the patient due to a failure on the part of the Practitioner to provide agreed service , any misconduct, negligence or inappropriate behavior by the Practitioner or the Practitioner’s staff; cancellation or no show by the Practitioner or rescheduling of booked appointment or any variation in the fees charged
    1. Each Subscriber/ Practitioner/Authorised User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their own accounts created and the access information and password. Subscriber/Practitioner /Authorized user shall immediately notify the Company of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your account or password. Although the ASIRA Webplatform will not be liable for any loss caused by any unauthorized use of your accounts, Subscriber/Practitioner may be liable for the losses to the ASIRA Web platform or such other parties as the case may be, due to any unauthorized use.
    2. If a Subscriber/Practitioner/Authorized User provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete (or becomes untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete), or ASIRA has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, ASIRA has the right to discontinue the Services to the Subscriber/Practitioner at its sole discretion.
    3. The Company is not liable for any violation of Intellectual Property by Subscribers/Practitioners displaying any content or information on the Webplatform . Further ASIRA Webplatform will not be liable if any proprietary information or Content placed by the Subscribers/Practitioners is infringed by any third party , including other Subscribers/Practitioners/Authorized User /Viewers/Browsers.
    4. Depending on the services a Subscriber chooses to avail on the ASIRA Platform, the same may be with a fee or free. The fee for specific services may be determined by the Company. The Company has the liberty to revise the same without any prior notice to the Practitioner/Subscriber. Request You to read the Privacy Policy for further details.
    5. As a Practitioner/Subscriber/Authorized representative, You agree not to,
      • Violate local, state, national, or international laws;
      • Post, upload, email, transmit or otherwise distribute any Content that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others or on the privacy or publicity rights of others
      • Post, upload, email, transmit or otherwise distribute any Content that is unlawful, harmful, obscene, violates privileged defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful, or embarrassing to any other person or entity as we may determine in our sole discretion
      • Post advertisements or solicitations of business.
      • Impersonate to be someone else
      • Post, upload, email, transmit or otherwise distribute viruses or other harmful computer code designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the use of any computer software or hardware
      • Allow any unauthorized other person or entity to use your identification for posting or viewing comments
      • Fail to respect other Subscribers/Viewers privacy. This includes revealing personally identifiable information.
      • Interfere with or disrupt the network of the Website, or disregard any requirements or policies of networks connected to the Website
      • Create names, or post, solicit or send emails, messages, text or photographs that are sexually explicit, that denigrate, threaten, abuse or harm others in any way.
      • Engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits any other person/Viewer/Subscriber from using or enjoying the ASIRA platform, or which, in our sole judgment, exposes us or our licensors to any liability or detriment of any type.
    6. ASIRA Platform may (but are not obliged to) do any or all of the following without notice to /consent from the Practitioners/Subscribers/Viewers.
      • Record or save any information, correspondence dialogue between Practitioner/Subscriber/Authorized Representative/Viewer
      • Investigate an allegation that a communication does not conform to the terms of use and determine in our sole discretion to remove or request the removal of the Content.
      • Remove content which is abusive, objectionable, illegal, or disruptive, or that otherwise fails to conform with these Terms of Use
      • Terminate access to any or all communication between the Viewers/Subscribers/Practitioners/Authorized Representatives upon our determination that you have violated these Terms of Use; or
      • Establish general practices and limits concerning the use of the information/material/Content/opinion exchanged on the ASIRA Platform, including without limitation the maximum number of days that messages, postings or other uploaded material/Content will be retained on the ASIRA webplatform, the maximum number of messages that may be sent from or received by an account on the ASIRA webplatform, the maximum size of any message that may be sent from or received by an account on the ASIRA webplatform.
      • Disclose Health Information if required by law
    1. All electronic records on the ASIRA Platform shall be maintained in accordance to the guidelines suggested in the Electronic Health Record Standards for India 2016.
    2. ASIRA facilitates safe keeping , security of records, backup, storage, and authorized sharing of data, pertaining to patients to the best of their ability, using the currently available technology.
    3. Practitioner/Subscriber using the record maintenance services on the ASIRA webplatform, acknowledges the data security risks over which the Company has no control, inspite of reasonable security measures being taken, and You are using these services at your own risk.
    4. ASIRA shall try its best to keep the Webplatform glitch-free and bug free. However, ASIRA does not warrant that the Webplatform shall not have any technical glitches. ASIRA absolves itself from all liability or loss caused, whether directly or indirectly due to any technical glitch on the Webplatform.
    5. Data and content uploaded by Subscribers/Practitioners/ Authorised users through the Asira Web Platform during the ‘trial period’ shall not be stored or saved by ASIRA unless renewed within 3 days of the end of the trial period.
  10. ASIRA shall be permitted use the Content/Information shared by Subscriber/Practitioner in the following (including but not limited to) ways:
    1. At the request of the Practitioner/Subscriber we may access Health Information to enable ASIRA Webplatform to generate an invoice for the services rendered by Practitioners using the ASIRA Webplatform.
    2. If Subscriber/Practitioners are involved in a lawsuit or a dispute, we may disclose Health Information in response to a court or administrative order.
    3. We may release Health Information to a coroner or medical examiner. This may be necessary, for example, to identify a deceased person or determine the cause of death.
    4. ASIRA shall not edit/share/modify any information/content which has been placed for display by the Practitioner/Subscribers without the Practitioners/Subscriber written consent
    1. The Practitioners, will remain the developers/creators of any original Content in relation to Health Information (Content refers to diagnosis, teaching materials, medical techniques, solutions, videos, images, data or a combination thereof created/developed by the Practitioners) that is developed placed by them on the ASIRA Platform.
    2. The Subscribers shall be the owners of the Health Information developed/created by the Practitioners.
    3. By placing any Content ASIRA Platform, Practitioner/Subscribers are providing ASIRA an implied, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide, royalty free, irrevocable license to display, reproduce, use, remove any information, material and/or other such proprietary material owned by the Practitioner.
    4. The Practitioners/Subscribers acknowledge that the ASIRA Platform has no control over the Content once displayed/shared on the ASIRA Platform, and the ASIRA Platform shall not be liable for any misuse of such Content by any third party or for contributory infringement of copyright.
    1. All intellectual property rights in and associated with the ASIRA platform (including copyright in software, Content, and trademarks, displayed on the ASIRA platform) are and remain the property of ASIRA as proprietor or beneficial rights owner/ licensees.
    2. Practitioners/Subscribers acknowledge and agree that the information, content, material exchanged and software presented to Practitioners/Subscribers through and/or on the ASIRA platform may contain proprietary and confidential information that may or may not be protected under the Indian laws and/or international intellectual property laws, including copyright, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Practitioner/Subscriber agree not to sell, rewrite, modify, reproduce, distribute (via the Internet or other public computer based information system), redistribute, create derivative works (including translating), rent or provide any information presented to You on or through the ASIRA Platform, in whole or in part.
    3. The Subscribers/Practitioners/Viewers agrees not to infringe ASIRA’s Intellectual Property and the Viewers agree not to infringe upon the Content of the Practitioner by copying or plagiarizing the same. ASIRA reserves its right to initiate all necessary legal remedies available to them in case of such an infringement by the Practitioner/Viewers of the ASIRA Intellectual Property. The Viewer/Practitioner shall not post any information/comment that would violate the intellectual property of any third party, including but not limited to patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights.ASIRA reserves the right to remove any User comment/information which it may determine at its own discretion as violating the intellectual property rights of any third party The Subscriber/Practitioner agrees to absolve ASIRA from any and all liability and indemnify ASIRA against all claims that may arise as a result of any third party intellectual property right claim that may arise from the Content placed on the Webplatform by Practitioner/Subscriber.
    4. Proprietorship ship of the Health Information vis a vis Practitioners and Subscriber, shall be settled by the Practitioner and Subscriber. . ASIRA shall not be liable for any claims arising in respect of any disputes on the Intellectual Property of Health Information. In case of any dispute between Practitioner and Subscriber, over the proprietorship of the Health Information, Asira is not obliged to release information to either party without the order of the Court, or a settlement between the disputing parties.
    1. ASIRA platform does not warrant that the services will be uninterrupted or error free. Without limiting the foregoing, ASIRA makes no representations or warranties about the following,
      1. The accuracy, reliability, completeness, correctness, or timeliness of the information/material/data/Content exchanged/contained on the ASIRA platform.
      2. The satisfaction of any government regulations requiring disclosure of information or any patient consent, approval or compliance
    2. ASIRA Platform cannot be responsible for any Data theft, loss, corruption or interception of data sent to or from the ASIRA platform, loss due to maintenance, technical glitches etc. ASIRA will not be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, incidental, consequential and special damages, personal injury/wrongful death, lost profits for sequence, accuracy or completeness of information included in the Services, or damages resulting from lost data or interruption) resulting from the use of, misuse of, inability to use or interpretation of the information/material exchanged/stored on or through the ASIRA platform.
    3. Practitioner/Subscriber/Viewer agree to defend, indemnify, and hold ASIRA, its directors, employees, agents, harmless from and against any claims, actions or demands, liabilities and settlements (including reasonable legal and accounting fees), arising in connection with:
      1. violation of any provision of these terms and conditions by Practitioner/Subscriber/Viewer and/ or
      2. violation of any third-party rights, including without limitation any copyright, property or privacy right, privileged communication by Practitioner/Subscriber/Viewer or any other Viewer/Subscriber You may have shared the information with which violated third party rights whether or not You have shared such information in confidence.
      3. Disputes relating to ownership of Health information between Subscriber and Practitioner who is not a subscriber.
      4. Practitioner/Subscriber/Viewer remain solely responsible for complying with all applicable laws., ASIRA takes no warranty and liability as to the safety and security of the information/Content/material and or data stored through or exchanged on its platform.
      5. Viewer/Subscriber/Practitioner agrees that the Content they access on ASIRA Platform does not in any way constitute medical advice.
      6. Practitioners/Subscribers warrants that the they have taken the necessary consent from the Patient for the use of any material/information medical data of the Patient. Further, the Subscriber warrants that they have taken the necessary consent from the Practitioner to use the medical information to provide summary reports to the Patients/Patient families. Practitioner/Subscriber absolve ASIRA off all liabilities that may arise on account of incorrect/inaccurate/non-submission of required Consent by the Practitioner/Subscriber.
      7. ASIRA Platform collects, directly or indirectly, and displays on the Website, relevant information regarding the profile and practice of the Practitioners listed on the Website, such as their specialization, qualification, fees, location, visiting hours, and similar details. ASIRA takes reasonable efforts to ensure that such information is updated at frequent intervals. In spite of its reasonable efforts ASIRA cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies or incompleteness represented by it, despite such reasonable efforts
      8. The Services provided by ASIRA or any of authorized licensees provided on an "as is" and “as available’ basis, and without any warranties or conditions (express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, arising by statute or otherwise in law or from a course of dealing or usage or trade). ASIRA does not provide or make any representation, warranty or guarantee, express or implied about the Website or the Services. ASIRA does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any content or information provided by Practitioners/Subscribers on the Website. To the fullest extent permitted by law, ASIRA disclaims all liability arising out of the use or reliance upon the Website and its services
  15. The Subscriber/Practitioner or their authorized representative can cancel the Subscription within 48 hours of filling the Registration Form. In the event any Subscription Fee is paid by the Subscriber/Practitioner, the same will be refunded upon cancellation.

    The Subscriber/Practitioner shall not be eligible for a refund after the period of 48 hours as mentioned above.

    ASIRA shall not provide any Refund of Subscription Fees paid on any grounds whatsoever. In case of any issues related to the Services, kindly contact admin@asira.health
    1. If Viewer/Practitioner/Subscriber believe any materials accessible on or from the ASIRA platform infringe your copyright, You may request removal of those materials from the ASIRA Webplatform by contacting ASIRA at admin@asira.health and providing the following information,
      1. Identification of the copyrighted work that you believe to be infringed. Please describe the work, and where possible include a copy or the location (e.g., URL) of an authorized version of the work
      2. Your name, address, telephone number and (if available) e-mail address
      3. A statement that You have a good faith belief that the use of the materials is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
      4. Any supporting document to show that you are the owner of the infringed copyright.
      5. A statement that the information that You have supplied is accurate, and indicating that "under penalty of perjury," You are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf
      6. A signature or the electronic equivalent from the copyright holder
      7. You will indemnify ASIRA against all claims, damages and fines that may result form wrongful removal of material/information/content from the Webplatform.
    1. The Subsrciption accounts automatically get terminated/de-activated in case of
      • Expiration of subscription
      • Expiration of trial period
      • Non-renewal of subscription.
    2. Viewer/Subscriber/Practitioners agree that ASIRA may, under certain circumstances and without prior notice, discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the services provided on the ASIRA Webplatform (or any part thereof) or eliminate Viewer/Subscriber/Practitioners account, any associated email address, and remove any information You upload, with or without notice. Cause for termination may include, but not be limited to, (a) breaches or violations of these Terms of Use or other incorporated agreements or guidelines, (b) requests by law enforcement or other government agencies, (c) a request by You (self-initiated account deletions), (e) unexpected technical or security issues or problems, (f) extended periods of inactivity, and/or (g) Your engagement in fraudulent or illegal activities.
    3. Termination of these terms and conditions does not affect the rights or remedies of any party.
    4. Upon termination/expiration/de-activation of the accounts, ASIRA shall store the Health Information in their database for a period of 1 year from the date of termination/expiration/de-activation of account. If the Asira Platform is being used for a trial period, the Health Information shall not be stored or saved by ASIRA, 3 days beyond the end of the trial period.
    1. Any provision of these terms and conditions which is wholly or partially void or unenforceable is severed to the extent that it is void or unenforceable. The validity or enforceability of the remainder of these terms and conditions is not affected.
    2. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws and Courts of India.
    3. These terms and conditions are the entire agreement between the parties about its subject matter and replaces all previous agreements, understandings, representations and warranties about that subject matter.
    4. Your use of the ASIRA Webplatform is conducted electronically and You agree that the ASIRA Webplatform may communicate with You electronically for all aspects of Your use of the ASIRA Platform, including sending you electronic notices.
    5. The provisions of these terms of use which by their nature survive termination or expiry of these terms of use will survive termination or expiry of these terms of use
    6. Failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right or remedy under these terms and conditions does not operate as a waiver or prevent further exercise of that or of any other right or remedy

For questions or concerns about these terms of use, please send an email to admin@asira.health

Kindly print these Terms of Use or save a copy of these Terms of Use for your records. If you do not agree to any of these terms, then please do not access or otherwise use this website or any other information contained in this website

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